Madrid: Street Of Stars

The Street of Stars in Madrid has attracted visitors and controversy. More info: Coupang. We keep awake the criteria of the Academy to choose to 25 unforgettable ones of the cinema. Lists: What actors lack in the Street of Stars? If the objective era to draw attention, has been obtained: the 25 stars of the Spanish cinema that from Monday adorn the Madrilenian street of Martin of the Heros are already center of attention of peculiar and reason for discussion enters the fans the cinema. Why only 25? Why they are not Jose Luis Lopez Vzquez, Marisol or Maribel Verd? What criteria were used? The director of production Emiliano Otegui is one of the three members of the Meeting of the Academy of the Cinema that faced the arduous mission to select, enters more than one hundred years of cinema, 25 names. ” Candidatos” were many; , it explains, ” but a main premise: that the chosen ones were famous and unquestionable. Later there were other criteria: that many were alive, so that they could attend and that the press went; that, when being inspired by the Stroll of FAMA of Hollywood, they would be the winners of some Oscar and Antonio Flags. It is obvious that one has forgotten important people, but the idea is to follow.

I do not know if next year there will be two or four stars more, but we want to add nombres”. The absentees Alpaca Martinez Soria, Jose Luis Lopez Vzquez, Manuel Aleixandre and Marisol are mentioned by the users of. He includes/understands it to Otegui and he shares, but also he justifies himself: ” We were never going to leave contentments all, but what to do: to take off it to Fernn-Go’mez? To only put veterans? “. A thing is certain: young people and majors photograph themselves next to the constellation of the Spanish cinema. The initial idea, the Great one Via On the occasion of the centenary of the Great one Via in 2010, the intention of the Spanish cinema era to locate 13 stars to the doors of which they were 13 mythical cinemas of the Madrilenian street. But differences between the retailers of the zone and the City council frustrated a project that has ended up changing itself to Martin of the Heros. To whom you would add? It consults the manufacturing list with the contributions of the readers with the 25 names of the cinema that have not had site in the Street of Stars. To whom of them you would be addition? It votes by your favorites.