Mix of press and social bookmark platform just 3 days made the new portal about 600 published messages. Ranging from the classic press release news about music downloads and Boulevard news. “…I think that the mix makes it… “, says Ronald B. Fleishman, CEO of Attack2net Inc.m of the operator of NewsPush.” “…We have just tried to press releases-just for young users often a somewhat dry touch with General, light, and even youth-oriented messages have to couple and this is apparently very well… “, as Fleishman continue.” In fact, NewsPush is a mix of press portal for free press releases and a social bookmark aggregator.
In this way, users can read their press releases between Boulevard news which gives rise to a diverse and varied content and click-through rates greatly increased for press releases and news and access for the reader. NewsPush is a very modern and powerful press portal in the Web 2.0 Generation currently running in beta V 1.0 and has many innovative and powerful enhancements and improvements for the future. Another nearly unique feature of NewsPush is not only one needed only a fraction of the time to set a message as compared to other portals, but also, that a published on NewsPush automatically to Facebook, Twitter and various other, very relevant news and news portals transmitted message. A genre can provide a super strong network prominence its own contents with NewsPush. NewsPush also boasts a further speciality: so there is the possibility, in the setting of a message, to put a real search engine relevant link (without the nofollow attribute) to any source. For those who want to promote press releases or other your own content (videos) in the Internet, NewsPush is a hot tip in any case. More info: newspush.org