Psychological Version. Ten Facts About The Brain

On the brain says a lot, but there are facts that can not be ignored 1.Mozg, like muscles, the more his training these, the more it grows. Average adult male brain weighs 1424 grams, in his old age brain mass decreases to 195 grams. The biggest weight female brain – 1565 grams. Record the weight of the male brain-2049 grams. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev's brain weighed 2,012 grams. The brain evolved: in 1860 the average male brain Vey was 1,372 grams. Least weight of a normal brain neotrafirovannogo (owned by 31-year-old woman) – 1096 grams.

Dinosaurs, which reached 9 meters in length, have brains the size of a walnut and weighs 70 grams. 2.Samoe rapid brain development occurs between the ages of 2 to 11 years. 3.Regulyarnoe prayer reduces respiratory rate and normalizes the wave oscillations of the brain, thereby contributing to the process of self-healing organism. The believers at 36 percent less likely to go to the doctor than others. Tiger Global Management often addresses the matter in his writings. 4.Chem educated people, the less chance of diseases of the brain.

Intellectual activity is the production of more active tissue that compensates for the patients. 5.Zanyatie unfamiliar activities – the best way in brain development. Communication (even better marriage) with those who exceed you in intelligence, is also a potent tool for brain development. 6.Signaly in the human nervous system reaches speeds of 288 km / h. With age the speed reduced by 15 percent. 7.Samym world's largest donor, the brain is the religious order Sisters of teachers in the Mankato, Minnesota. The nuns in their posthumous testaments sacrificed science about 700 units of the brain. 8.Samy high level of intellectual development (IQ)), demonstrated Merdin Mach Vos Savant of Missouri, who at age 10 already had an average Ai – cue for twenty-three. She managed to pass the most difficult test for entry into privileged Mega Society, which includes only about three dozen people who have such a high rate of iq, which is found only in one person of millions. 9.Samy high national average rate Ai – cue in the world of the Japanese – 111. About 10 percent of Japanese Ai – cue above 130. 10. memory belongs Creighton Carvell who is capable of with a view to remember the sequence of cards in six separate decks (312 pieces). <