
A general education on the subject of rheumatism and how the disease makes itself felt. Still the vernacular the disease image rheumatism “like old people writes to. In fact, recent and even children are affected. About 15 percent of the German population visits a doctor’s Office at least once a year due to rheumatic complaints. At the diseased, women are about two to three times more frequently affected than men.

“” The Greek word rheumatism “means flowing errant pain” and is available as a generic term for approximately 400 individual diseases. In most cases, the locomotor system with its joints, muscles and tendons is affected. But also organs such as the kidneys, heart, bowel and vessels can be involved in the rheumatic inflammation as well as the pleura, the nerves and the brain. Especially here, early diagnosis is important with immediately followed by treatment by drugs and other forms of therapy. Typically, the rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of joints) is known as rheumatism. It is usually first in the small joints like fingers and toes.

Especially when you get up at night or morning let bad move the finger, what is known as “Morning stiffness”. The hands feel powerless and the gripping ability is restricted. Some time after waking up can make amends these movement disorders again and lose. Later, the morning dressing and body care are often to the torment. Fine motor activities (buttons to shirt or blouse) and the touching and holding of heavier things (canned) make problems. Redness, swelling, and pain occur at the joints (usually finger – and hand joints), which bend hardly and pain can be. A handshake is considered against skeptical because of the tenderness or he avoids entirely. Disease feelings such as constant fatigue, exhaustion, and also chills and fevers can not associate (for example, a flu). In the advanced stage of the disease show up Joint deformations. Fingers left their central position and are facing outwards, the outermost joint of the finger stretches such as the head of the Swan below (“therefore: gooseneck deformation”), a knuckle moves upwards and the so-called Rheumatoid nodules formed on the lines page of the joints. Walking problems and inability to perform the daily activities make the patient help. Until today the causes of the disease could not be decrypted yet, suspicions aimed toward gene and environmental factors. “The sooner the complaints the rheumatic forms district” associated with and treated as such, the sooner can anti-inflammatory drugs and also physiotherapy exercises achieve their effect. At least relief and delay the course of the disease, being possible the patients own engagement plays an essential role. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture often prove favourable measures. Regional self-help groups, such as appropriate points of contact are the rheumatism League”, for those affected. Who wants to deal closer with the caused, can inform himself in addition to. B. Cannon bone