Sanitation Energy

Everything this comes to strengthen the quarrel that must be made on the ambient question in maritime waters, where already can notice a great advance of 10 years pra here, however, with the exploration of the layer daily pay-salt, the ambient question has that to be treated with priority, therefore, as cited in this article, the accident in the Gulf of Mexico was the first one in deep waters, and demonstrated that the company who carried through the exploration was prepared for an accident of this magnitude. So that Brazil does not suffer problem the same, if it makes necessary the development of technologies for this type of accident and using previous examples, as of the Gulf of Mexico. An initiative very executed well, was of the Government of the State of So Paulo, that published the Decree n. 53,392, of 8 of September of 2008) foreseeing the formation of a team to multidiscipline, involving some state secretaries, in order to study and to evaluate the ambient impacts of this exploration of the daily pay-salt in the Basin of Saints. This Decree foresees the constitution of a commission co-ordinated for the proper Governor of the state, Jose Mountain range, and will count on representatives of the Secretariats of Development, of Economy and Planning, the Farm, the Civil House, the Transports, the Environment, Superior Ensino and Sanitation Energy. Moreover, it has the forecast of the participation of the Attorney general of the State and one technician indicated for the Governor. The commission has as mission to guide the relative lines of direction of governmental action to the economic and fiscal impacts, the formation of the man power, the development of the chain of suppliers, the general infrastructure and of draining, the effect on the regional development, the naval construction, the research and technological innovation, as well as how much to the energy development and regulatory landmarks.