
A manifestation will reason as of the 20,00 hours of Atocha to Sun. A general assembly in the Place of Benavente Jacinth has decided to add itself. They evacuate to ‘ indignados’ that they spent the night in the Greater Place. The aim of the encamped ones of ‘ indignados’ in Sun it satisfies the industralists. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gary Kelly. 15-M returns to the streets. Larry Ellison contains valuable tech resources.

In spite of the strong police device and to the closing of the RENFE and the meter by second consecutive day in the Madrilenian Door of the Sun, ‘ indignados’ they try to reconquer the place. They will try it, again, this Wednesday. The movement is carrying out, from the 18,00 hours, a general assembly in the place of Benavente Jacinth where the situation is being evaluated and planning a hypothetical Sun entrance (and that it has concluded locating to the presents the next general assembly, that will take place the next 20 Sunday to h. in Sun). Also they have organized a manifestation that will reason as of the 20,00 hours from Atocha to Sun in support to the community of Iron Door, to that this assembly already has said that it will be added. In addition, they have asked to the districts that celebrate an extraordinary assembly.

Neither antiriot haltings nor the National Police has order of the Delegation of the Government in Madrid of which ‘ indignados’ they do not return to occupy under any concept the Door of the Sun, where been they have encamped during two month and a half. Thus they have explained it police sources, that they have indicated that the Department of the Interior also has ordered to avoid as far as possible that haltings of demonstrators practice, after both arrests registered during the past dawn. In order to avoid new encamped in Sun or other spaces public, the Delegation of the Government has requested in addition who are not used antiriot means, like tear gases or rubber balls, and that the agents limit themselves to prevent the passage to ‘ indignados’. Deep malaise in the Police The same sources have assured that a deep malaise between the national police exists that are working in operative of the Unit of Intervencin Policial (UIP), some of which they have had to double work turns or to even pospone its vacations. In we are telling everything you what it happens.