Under the kickback chainsaw meant a sharp move up and back. This occurs when the top quarter of the terminal portion of the guide As an object such as a branch or log. The very opposite is formed from a sharp blow stop the chain from its pinch. So, when the chain stops abruptly, there is a reversal of power, which makes the saw sharp jump and move in the opposite direction of rotation of the chain. That obtained? Chainsaw during the return stroke begins with the power to move directly to the operator, and well, if the latter has enough strength and keep her reaction. There are other situation where the chain is pulled, and then saw moves Conversely, from the operator. Ripple has much experience in this field.
Whatever it was, and each of these situations often leads to serious injury. What you need to do to chainsaw not included in the state of the reverse shock? First carefully assess the situation cutting, try to make so that the chain just was not able to catch. One of the most common situations of a kickback – cutting a few logs at a time, in any case do not make this. Well, of course, can not rotate the saw during the sawing process. Before you start cutting run the engine at full power and slowly connecting a chain saw to the log, as close to the body. During the process sawing and try to keep a log as close as possible to the body of the saw. In this case, do not forget to watch the end part of the chain so that it does not hurt. Workplace itself should be carefully prepared, nothing should distract the operator and stop him, he should fully concentrate on the process sawing logs. Blowback often occurs due to negligence of the operator in the process of sawing. Be careful, and this trouble will bypass you party.