WSFB Wiesbaden Advisory Group

Change management training for project managers and managers start WSFB and practice field. Manage changes in almost all decision-makers in companies are available for this task. While they are confronting increasingly with the challenge that the individual change projects are not only complex, but also mutually overlap and influence. The methods and leadership skills of the Changeverantwortlichen must be great, to achieve the objectives. “Against this background the WSFB Wiesbaden Advisory Group and the management consulting practice, Hamburg, starting in January 2011 in Hamburg an in-service training changes manage: organizations understand the effectiveness of management action strengthen”. In the nine-month training, participants acquire the necessary expertise, to plan, to manage and control complex structural and cultural change projects successfully. The training consists of three two-day theory – and two two-day Super vision modules, where Reflect participants their own work, as well as change projects within their companies.

The training starts on January 24-25, 2011 with the module”systemic thinking in corporate governance. In it, participants deal among other things with the question of how (cultural) change processes in social systems. This building they then wonder how to achieve desired changes in their businesses. “The goal of this according to WSFB managing director Hans-Werner Bormann: the participants to expand their repertoire of decision-making and action.” Specific assignments participants go back then in their companies, to transfer their learning into practice. End of March they meet for the first Super vision module, together to analyze change projects within their companies and to reflect the extent to which the selected approach has proved. The second theory module end of June revolves around the theme of managing employees in change processes”. In it, the participants add your Methods and action repertoire in terms of leadership.

The goal here: Participants can lead each staff in the different change projects, as is appropriate to the current situation and the opposite. Special attention is thereby focused on the questions: How do I win employees for change projects? And: How do I handle (hidden) resistors? “End of June followed by another super vision module, before eventually mid-September the fifth and final module managing change projects” will be held. In it, the participants deal among other things with the questions: How can I analyze the State of development of change projects to detect early any target is diversion? And: what interventions can I projects, if necessary, bring back into the road to success? Also: How can I stimulate, if the energy of change in USA, again, yet still achieve the objectives? Directed and moderated all modules are provided by Hans-Werner Bormann and Sabine Kamlesh Kardile, head of practice field, that have accompanied many change processes in companies. “The number of participants in the training manage changes: organizations understand the effectiveness of management trade strengthen” is limited to eight, to ensure an intense work. The participation of 5,650 euros (plus VAT). For more information interested at the Wiesbaden WSFB Advisory Group (Tel: 0611 / 157 66-10, E-Mail:, Internet:). Contact person is Hans-Werner Bormann.