Good Sales Executives

The realization that it is not always useful to choose the best seller for sales / marketing manager, has grown. A sales executive required in addition to its good communicative skills, increasing business skills and strong leadership skills. A key task is the development of the employees in the right direction. Because the market is subject to constant changes. Distributors work very closely on the market and can adapt quickly to the changes. Sales and marketing manager need but still, great experience in working with the clients. The labour market has however rarely economically educated practitioners of sales with good pedagogical understanding. That was the main reason for the BEST educational Ltd.

in 2003 to develop the training course Vertiebsleiter & coach was quickly adopted by the practice. The training ends with the regulated professional education for (Sales management Chamber of Commerce”(Bachleor of sales & distribution management CCI) and the IHK certification trainer for continuing vocational training Chamber of Commerce). This training tailored specifically to sales executives was completed not only by young people, but also to a large extent by experienced sales managers. The exchange rate system in a blended-learning process has proven successful. It is hardly feasible and will be increasingly difficult to bring Vertiebsmanager, Bernd Stelzer, CEO of BEST education GmbH regularly to presence seminars together, therefore we largely cover the teaching of knowledge content with online seminars (webinars).

They regularly held Monday evening at 20:30. Our participants can take part, where there is an Intnetanschluss, from anywhere. So it not infrequently happens that logs a participant from St.Petersburg, Cape Town or from Norway. The necessary presence seminars take place in multiple locations, regional, to develop knowledge can, on weekends. The integrated Coach training takes place centrally in Germany’s middle in weekly blocks. New courses at three locations in Germany starting in the fall of 2010.