No such direct and indirect dependencies. Neither the agency. Neither in nature, the main thing. First, advertising can and should be considered in terms of systems. Secondly, your case as it breathes.
People are working, you're running. Somehow. Teach you in your professional activity – only to spoil. Finally. Everything seems to you normally. But here's something still wants something was missing … And then you remember (or think out themselves) – are not going, because the matter should be to promote and advertise! In! Our client. Welcome – about advertising: Advertising – this is legalized lying.
It's much easier. Advertising have to spend money. A lot. And as much as it would in prtsentah growth – both feature lies. Fate. At the same time – spend a lot – not pay off. Pozhlobnichaete – do not give a visible effect. So place your bets, gentlemen. Here roulette. Although the probability of vyigrasha very much depends on your area of expertise and from advertisers. 2. Amateurs miserable. 93.8% working in the field of advertising, PR and other agencies – not educated mediocrity. Domestic under socialism were not allowed, and gourmet fosterling – not in the subject. The mentality is different. So do not tushuytes. All of their plans, videos, and proofs models, see and evaluate themselves. You are more qualified, because every ad and look different, but they only make their own and miserable. Moreover, you even remotely imagine what you want and to what extent. Hearing the word "Creative" – alert, most often translated as "arts for arts', and you pay for it! 3.