The majority of foreign tourists which though once they have traveled to Moscow already know how much better accommodation in the capital of Russia. In some 5 star Moscow hotels as the hotel Metropol or hotel Savoy the emplazameinto costs $300 a day. It is quite expensive, right? However I think that some of these people are only familiar with which is the job of waitress in any 5 star hotel. On that occasion it is worth making a brief story about his strenuous work in a hotel of Moscow. Here is a list of what must be done a Chambermaid.
-First, every day in the morning should make bed in each room (which should fix). Incidentally, should make that work so execelente a coin thrown against the blanket to skip to the side. -Each day you must wash the floor in the room. -You must scrupulously clean bathroom. -Permanently controloar are in their places a SOAP and other menestereses. And many other mandatory things which are not listed here. We need to note that the waitress job is very tiring.
Therefore this job only be conviane immigrants from Ukraine and other Paice of near abroad. And what is the salary of the camerera in a Moscow hotel? It is $500 per month. It may seem that is incredible but true. It is that on Paice natales of those immigrants there is much unemployment and monthly payment is much lower than in the capital of Russia. However only isolated individuals leave no such work. Suggestions. Don’t let your toothbrushes in the room when you leave the hotel. In certain cases the waitresses wore toothbrushes to clean some things in the bathroom (for example, rings of urinals). Also don’t let the money and other precious things in their suitcases, briefcases, bags when they come out of your room. Keep those things in bags and llevenlos with it. Although if had stolen money from your suitcase you would have gained at once. More detailed information about the hotels of Moscow can be interested in. Here are the related link. Original author and source of the article