
The process of internalization (ie, the transition of external to internal) is not passing it at a pre-existing plane of consciousness. This internal plan is not given to man priori. The process of internalization creates this plan. It follows that the phylo-and ontogenetic development of consciousness plays a key role of human activity. The concept of "activity" in the strict sense applicable only with respect to rights in relation to an animal, it is conditional and means "vitality". Human labor and the consciousness in the phylogeny of mutually influence each other. Joint activities of people was a work on creation of specific products manufacturing – first elementary and then more and more complex. This process required a conscious anticipation of results.

Required to work, it is in labor and formed. It starts with the mutual development of consciousness and activity of the moment when a person creates a first tool. This is where typical of the work human purposeful action based on the anticipation of the result and done in accordance with a purpose. This is the most important manifestation of human consciousness, which radically distinguishes his work from the unconscious, instinctive by nature of animal behavior. An important difference between man and animal is its ability to not only create, but also to keep guns, while the animal may use a weapon only in a specific visual-effective situation. This is evidenced by numerous experiments with monkeys. A monkey could use a long stick to reach the interest of its object (say, bananas), or knock him to the flow cell.