Jasmin Hasslinger

The challenge for them will be to be authentic as education person on the one hand and on the other hand using the personality as a pedagogical action and relationship instrument. Because the child calls for direct contact and want the governess refers to with their whole person there and his needs and in turn with the whole person consists of the child and its review/criticism of their actions. Because the children look for action model, as imitation and identification model and looking for direct response and reaction to her in attitude and behavior. In some people, they want to be like them, they differentiate themselves in another and don’t want to be just like them. The educator has relationship work in a very comprehensive sense.

On the one hand, it accompanies the child with empathy and understanding of his situation and becomes a role model for dealing with own internal mental States and processes of the Child, on the other hand she must in terms of intentions, adventure paths and behavior patterns of the child take lead and set limits or alternatives. The children can only assume these tasks designed by the teacher if they feel loved and accepted by it. The child has learned certain relationship patterns in his of father family of origin and mother or other caregivers, now brings this in relationship to the educator, but also to the other children. The educator has to cope with the difficult task, the child and his personality all once to accept, also with relationship offers, helpful experienced by her and the other children as an imposition or as little. On the other hand, it is also in the obligation to respond to the relationship patterns of the child. She must refer directly to the child and his behavior. The relationship offers are not helpful or intention, which suggests the educator, to respond to the child lies in the offers as it did the mother or another family member had and the emerging relationship context is not constructive, it is important that the governess in the situation is to get out of the automated relationship history and to offer the child a new, acceptable relationship behavior. It is, psychologically speaking, to get off their task made of counter-transference and to raise another relationship behavior about their own modified behavior when the child or support. It takes the child also emerging relationship fears, which are formed in the new, because foreign, relationship quality. Manage children fears: how educators/students can strengthen children Joachim Armbrust (author), Jasmin Hasslinger(Autorin) Softcover (Paperback): 150 pages Publisher: Bildungsverlag eins GmbH; Edition: 1 (August, 2010) language: German ISBN-10: 3427504824 ISBN-13: 978-3427504825 Joachim Armbrust practice for psychotherapy, couples therapy, supervision, coaching, mediation, and process design Wall Street 2 74523 Schwabisch Hall Tel: 0791/71552