Occurrence Culture

The increase of the competitiveness of goiaba and its products if make necessary in Brazil, for the possibility of alavancar a great volume of exportation, providing divided important for the country, beyond providing to the generation of thousand of jobs in all the productive chain. The use of high technology in the production of goiaba, allied to the aptitude in the region of Jaboticabal-SP in producing fruits, favored the development of the culture and the agroindstria. , Thus new to cultivate, irrigation and changes in the system of prunings of the orchards, aiming at to increase the productivity and to all supply fruits during the year, had aggravated the damages considerably indirect right-handers and caused by the plagues. It is important to consider that the sazonalidade of the climatic elements can influence directly or indirectly, causing mortality or affecting the performance of the insect-plague, through alterations of oviposio, feeding, growth migration (Hopkins & Memmott 2003). Indirectly, the climatic elements can affect the insects for influencing the activity of the natural enemies and modifying the quality of the resources through physiological changes and biochemists in the plant hostess (Varley et al.

1973, Hopkins & Memmott 2003). Amongst the climatic elements, the temperature, the relative humidity, the pluviomtrica precipitation and the speed of the wind are the main factors related to diverse the population dynamics of insect-plague in agroecossistemas (Wallner 1987). However, the evaporation, the insolation and fotoperodo also can be important for some species (Takeda & Skopik 1997). Salient also that the form of the conduction of the culture must significantly influence the diversity of plagues and natural enemies, and it must be object of studies with intention to improve the understanding of the related interactions insect-plant with the implantation of a system of handling with ecological, economic and safe bases to man.