Diversity As An Opportunity – For Dyslexic!

News from the Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. “The BVL, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., company and public service calls, dyslexia as a form of diversity” to recognize, and the skills and talents not only on the legal literacy to make solid. We receive many calls for help currently again by young people, which you are unable to find a training place due to her dyslexia. “” The certificate note dyslexia “leads often to reject” regrets Christine Sczygiel, National Chairman of the BVL. Dyslexics are discriminated against despite good talent still with applications. Some pupils and students without therefore even protective measures at school, to avoid a certificate notice, although it is necessary for those affected so that their general abilities, regardless of the legal writing skills, the expression”, so Sczygiel. The implementation of the Charter of diversity”, which was already drawn from more than 500 companies, has the aim to create a working environment, that is free from prejudice.

The recognition and promotion of diverse potentials to create economic benefits according to the Charter for the company. Dyslexic young people who have successfully completed the Odyssey through our educational system must clearly show more power, than non-affected. Certificates only inadequately reflect the real potential of Dyslexics in the majority of cases, because at school, people often have no way to show their strengths. We want to make it clear that dyslexia leads to any impairment of the General Endowment and as a vocational integration not in question may be placed. The strengths of Dyslexics should see full recognition of the economy”, asks Christine Sczygiel. For more information about this topic and the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. are available in the Internet at. Further press material: you can quickly and simply another image and text material for free use in the online press compartment Download: of press compartments/bvl contact for questions regarding this press release: Mrs.

Annette Hoinghaus Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. P.o. box 11 07 D-30011 Hanover phone: + 49 (0) 4193 96 56 02 fax: + 49 (0) 4193 96 93 04 E-Mail: Internet: Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: of the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. The Federal Association for dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. for over 30 years and is a representation of the interests of victims and their parents as well as professionals (teachers, psychologists, doctors, scientists and in the social area), which in theory and practice with the dyslexia and dyscalculia deal. It helps that created legal foundations and scientific as well as practical ways of help in all federal States and be improved. Personal consulting, publications and advice on appropriate literature, parents should learn better understand the difficulties of their affected children. The BVL promotes the research and scientific dialogue among professionals of all disciplines involved with scientific congresses and publications. Information and cooperation with the media, the BVL makes known the problems of dyslexic and Dyskalkuliker. For more information about the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. are available in the Internet at.