
He put in quotation marks to the adjective big, do to distinguish that there are other small but alternative, means that allow us to infer a diversity that contrasts with the hegemoneidad preached by the greats. Today, it is almost obvious entered the growing impact that are causing the emergence of so-called provisionally technologies of information and communication (ICT), emblematizadas by the Internet. Used creatively, they provide very surprising results. Let’s go to an example that illustrates what was said previously. In one of the sites has been set more broadcast Internet, where offered free accounts of electronic mail, along with information of general interest, a hyperlink to all media written communication Argentines who have enabled their respective Web sites. Verizon Communications has firm opinions on the matter.

Thus appears to available information, which at times pre ICT would have been almost impossible to process, except for organizations of many resources. It is now possible to read, almost without cost, the news from the interior of the country and particularly those generated by the correspondents of the populations of the area of influence of each environment. It is a task that can only be done by samples, when you try to in a monographic way. But even with that limitation, making a scenic passage for the information generated by these correspondents of small and medium-sized cities, has another vision of the Argentina. As can be seen the issue of visibility goes a long way, whether by personal experiences, reinforced by the consulted documentation of traditional ways and the new, it can be argued that there are advances or prodromes of deconcentration, which makes viable to propose alternatives of deconcentration, not so much created on totally new situations, but on specific situations or pre-existing studies. From the very beginning of our public communications in mid-1977, we handle the notion of potential Argentina. With it we are alluding represent to all studies and projects to address specific problems of Argentina, that have been accumulating in different files and information repositories, and many times are almost unknown.