
This character always feels fear, fear of it uncovers his real lack. Why he needs the other to be able to perceive that there is. And therefore judged, because only by placing another in a position inferior to himself feels safe. To my happened to me personally with therapy and spiritual search environments for several years. To embrace certain internal truths and integrate some wisdom and some energy vibrations through my own experience, I began to experience a rejection of all environments where meditated or practiced activities aimed to heal.

These environments really have a dense vibration because people who configures it van loaded with their own fears and their own densities and I felt no longer belonged to that environment. But back then I didn’t know what was happening to me and went without noticing me at trial. For example, made judgments of the type that do not know what he is saying, or looks at you, has not evolved beyond his books. Through my judgments it strengthened the part of me that did not already belong me. I was projecting my own dense vibration, my own character on the other. Discern instead implies a choice.

That is, if something is not it resonates with who I am now took the decision of not frequent these environments or people but always respecting the other. In the discernment there is a power struggle but respect and honesty to who I am now and who is the other now. It is the choice that makes us masters of our inner being. Over time I realized this and then I stopped frequenting certain environments whose vibration was not in tune with the new that was at that time. You could be expressed as I don’t blare with this environment, it seems that life invites me to pass through other paths. Although everything is divine, not everything goes towards divinity. There are many masked environments full of good intentions but they are not consciously directed towards the understanding of love, the source of all creation. In this regard it is crucial to know to listen to the inner voice that tells us each time where to be. In the middle of these two aspects is the view. The opinion is an expression of the feeling about something. For example, I don’t feel at all well in this place, or is interesting what he says but not resonates with what I I feel. Here nor there is a trial, there is struggle, only an expression of what my reality at this moment. The same happens in relationships. As we are in a relationship, either friendship as partner, we can sin in judging the attitudes or actions of the other to the extent that do not meet our current needs. This happens when we continue pretending the other meets that we can only satisfy ourselves embracing realities increasingly older than our interior. More constructive is to always go to our ability to discern if this relationship continues to be what now supports me my development or, on the contrary it is necessary to change, accepting the divinity of the other in the same way that we accept our and realizing that life is full of meetings, disagreements and new encounters. Discern means accepting. Judge implies reject. And rejection is a type of attachment but in negative sense. Original author and source of the article.