With one click finds ‘ click.to Twick.it’ for everything a declaration with the new standard function click.to Twick.it plus the Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH, Karlsruhe their desktop application a search process to quickly look up terms. Who wants to learn quickly is with click.to Twick.it thus well on its way: Twick.it provides short, fast and maximum 140 characters long explanations that everyone understands. For everything a declaration of Twick.it itself is already an invention for themselves: combining the online encyclopedia Wikipedia and the 140-character message service Twitter fit at first glance not under a hat actually. But: Twick.it provides short, easy-grip explanations for terms. These user generated of definitions are collected by the community”. And click.to provides short, quick Routes to the declarations, no matter from which application. The idea to make quick and easy accessible information behind two services.
“This brings click.to Twick.it” manually instead of Twick.it to open, words with click.to directly from a document or a technical article or an email out in Twick.it can be searched. To do this, mark the term Kopieren with CTRL + C or right click and automatically selects the Twick.it button that appears above the mouse pointer. click.to searches the Web page automatically for keywords and displays the desired Declaration in a quick-view window next to the mouse pointer. The user must therefore not even open his browser. Who want to know more, can settle the Declaration then even on the Twick.it website ad or continue directly with click.to to use and post on Facebook. click.to – the copy & paste concept intended further to move closer together off the idea, desktop and online applications, has emerged a desktop application, which offers its users a wide range of applications. Inserting screenshots into Outlook or paint, for example, works with click.to with a single click on the icon with the mouse pointer.