Karriere.at – managing director Jurgen Smid can get the latter nothing: only out of sense of duty out to give a Christmas celebration, is certainly not the right way. As the survey results show that most pleased employees honestly to end the annual accounts with the colleagues in solemn framework. “Supervisors should take this opportunity in any case, to bring the services of the team in the spotlight and this thanks” to say. At the heart of the celebrations, case of the community and not the compulsory aspect should be on each. Only then the celebration will also really comfortable.” “The survey results in detail: Christmas chore or crowning year?” Workers (382 students): Duty. Tired with colleagues and bosses to celebrate: exhausting 28 percent if colleagues lose the countenance: 11 per cent good opportunity to get to know managers and colleagues: 35 percent important highlight, to colleagues and superiors to celebrate: 26 percent employers (109 participants): must be. How would it look if we do not? “Demanding 5 percent, if employees lose the countenance: 5 percent good opportunity to privately meet employees: 32 percent to employees important highlight, thank you” to say: 58 percent over karriere.at: karriere.at (www.karriere.at) is Austria’s leading online portal, when it comes to jobs, career and job opportunities. The basic principle: Thousands of jobs at top Austrian companies are the more than 800,000 monthly visitors to karriere.at using a smart job search () presents.
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