Global Environmental Changes

The Amazon region possesss about 5 million km, immense area of forest, according to studies the exuberant vegetation it is recent dating of the end of the period the Pleistocene to the beginning of the holoceno. The holoceno was initiated about 12 a thousand years period of finishes glaciation (the temperature of the planet diminished considerably allowing the advance of the ice until next to the tropical regions). If to take in consideration the glaciations we must also consider the interglaciaes (interval between the glaciations where the climate was stabilized being the temperatures amenas). The planet passed for some periods of glaciation and interglaciao the consequncia of this is many between them can cite the changes in the characteristics of the vegetation. One evidenced that the vegetation of the previous Amaznia the exuberant forest was an open pasture or savannah. The sawed one and savannah the dispersed vegetation and tripping possess some characteristics between them in common.

For many this was the cause of the extines in mass of many gigantic mammals that lived in this region as, for example, mastodonte of the plain (elephant), purussauro, among others, beyond the adaptation of many other animals, as if the human one. Leaving of this premise we can say that we are in a interglacial period with hotter temperatures in all the planet. The increase of the temperature is intensified by the action of the activities of homo sapiens sapiens (modern man). Second studious on the subject we would have this passing or at least next to another period of glaciation and we are not only for the current global heating, will be same? Good, however, hotter or more cold, the certainty is that the exaggerated changes bring consequences, for example goes to take in consideration the high temperatures of the planet on the Amaznia, according to estimates of the INPE (Space Institute of Space research) between the 2010 and 2040 temperature in the Amazon region will be able to increase in the best one of the hypotheses up to 2 centigrade degrees. This can now cause a new change in the region of the forest for the savanizao (savannah) that as studies already existed in another period of time.

If to think about the current fauna and the possible changes in the temperature and the consequent change about the structure of the vegetation can be said that many will be instincts or suffer mutations from adaptation. If to think about this with regard to the race human being the consequences can be the same ones with regard to the other animals, extines and adaptations, however, with more emphasis and distortions. What we could make or that we can make about everything this?