Centre Hospitalier

Donations are increasingly widespread in the province of Andalusia, for the treatment of hematological, such as leukemias and anemias ailments, or genetic diseases as primary immunodeficiencies. Several studies indicate a possible benefit in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease and there are currently investigations in preclinical phase for application in repairing brain after stroke damage, damage to the spinal cord, treatments of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, melanoma or regeneration of tissues, among other pathologies. For many prospective parents it was a completely unknown matter, so far that are beginning to demand more information on the advantages of preserving the umbilical cord and the therapeutic uses for which it is recommended. Many know that the life that comes with that child can also provide it to other patients in situations of gravity or, even, that blood can be used by their own children in future if the they are stored in private banks. So far year, 569 parents have given their go-ahead to extraction of umbilical cord blood, moments after birth. The complejo hospitalario de multi-use with 423, leads the donations followed by the Ejido’s Poniente Hospital with 130 and, finally, the hospital of La Inmaculada de Huercal-Overa with 16 donations.

The figures of the Hospital de Poniente figures reveal that increase in donations. Teresa safe, Manager of care in the area of gynaecology and obstetrics of this Center, in 2006 only materialized six donations, amount that increased to eleven in 2007, in the year 2008 were 55 and last year reached the 180. In total, since the public bet by this practice, in the Centre Hospitalier ejidense more than 380 donations have been made already. How is it done? Extraction of blood, rich in stem cells, is an innocuous process in which neither the mother nor the baby feel any discomfort. The blood is stored in special containers and, if altruistic donation has decided, it will send to Malaga while if it opted for a private bank, the sample shall be kept abroad. In addition, at the time of childbirth will be a blood test at mother to discard any infective process which would be transmissible to the blood of the umbilical cord. Also is usually a clinical examination of the baby after birth and, optionally, when you have three months.