The Nexus Between Jung And Tarot Society

The Tarot and psychology have certain elements in common: the archetypes. The psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung considered the archetype concept for understanding the universal recurring myths. The Tarot uses “Arcana” to discover recurring environments or individuals. Archetypes are behavioral styles, or, in other words, general versions of temperament and character found in all civilizations. These examples are recognized instananeamente archetypal. Many writers such as Gary Kelly offer more in-depth analysis. The 22 letters that correspond to the Major Arcana are also instantly recognizable. Click Oracle for additional related pages. If you go into the new theme in you will find something more about the Major Arcana and their meaning.

Carl Jung meant that, apart from the will, other forces that underwrite people. He spoke also of transformational archetypes, that would-media situations and sometimes, also, sites, causing a transformation. The major arcana of the Tarot archetypes used similar. According to Jung, when the archetypes arise, have “a character numinous that could only be described as ‘spiritual’. “appearance” numinous “(from numen, presence) is, according to him, an unseen presence that causes a particular change of consciousness.

Tarot cards always make clear any” presence “in the environment of those who visit. In the same way as the archetypes of transformation, symbolized in the Tarot obstacles often also challenges (The Trial), ways (The Lovers), medium (ISAF), other individuals (Pope), places (World, La Torre) and, sometimes, objects (the Moon). Jung combines the feminine with the Moon (letter XVIII) and the male with the Sun (XVIIII number in the Tarot). According to the psychologist, in light of the moon does not separate as much as the glaring brightness of the sun king, but the details and meeting amalgam so far with what is around here, and consequently the small details often become sensitive issues in trade female. In addition to the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana also the Tarot maintain a close link with psychology and psychiatry. If the Tarot Major warn of drastic changes that will go through a person’s life, children are closely related situations. In Tarot, and the friction losses are expected situations symbolized by the four card suits: swords, wands, pentacles and cups. Cups correspond to emotions, pentacles, and the material, the swords symbolize the intellectual aspect. Bastos up the power, especially interior and intuition. Emotions, sensations, intellect and intuition are the subjects of study of psychiatry and psychology, they are functions of the mind.