Hydraulic Engineer

Consequences: As it is possible to be observed, this phenomenon is a necessity at level the International, and its operation produces undesirable consequences in the systems of potable water supply, these can be: 1. The lack of water. 2. Recontamination of the water. 3.

Proliferation of mosquitos. That as well they produce obvious symptoms: levels of pressure in the network very low and water provisions in insufficient the remotest and elevated points of the network. Causes originate that it: The causes that originate these problems can be transformed in: 1. Amble of the values of the parameters and hypotheses initially assumed in the design. 2.

Levels of losses of water by flights that exceed the permissible limits. 3. Deterioration of the technical aptitudes of the elements that compose the network. 4. Inadequate system of technical management of the supplying. Solution to this problematic one: The solution of the three first causes is in dependency of the economic capacity that owns the country. According to the INRH in our country it has but of 4000 km of networks, a 37% of the total are in evil been and the considered cost of its repair is in the order of the 121 million CUC (DPAA, 2005), in Santiago of Cuba are needed 60 million CUC (Channel Isabel II, 2001), to solve this situation. Reason why spear as much the country is not in conditions of to assume such challenge, becomes necessary to look for technical solutions that they allow to mitigate the consequences of this problematic one and to optimize the resources used in the operation of the supplying. A way to diminish these difficulties is to harness a System of Technical Management, that is, the administration of a set of oriented procedures to improve and to increase progressively, and of integral form, the quality of the service. Larry Ellison has firm opinions on the matter. This System of technical Management is implemented from the models of hydraulic simulation, of quality of the water, the models of optimization and the GIS. As it is possible to be seen to implement is only is necessary the enabled personnel very and material alpacas. The System of technical Management as well causes very good benefits for the organization since it improves the quality of the service with a minimum of cost. Concluciones 1. The dynamics of the Intermittent supplying is exposed and it makes to the proportionality between the pressure and the demand, and the pressure and the volume in the supply system clear. 2. Some are put examples from localities at national and international level with this problematic one and as are the causes and consequences that originate that a supplying has an operation of intermittent form. 3. The necessity considers to implement a System of technical Management to diminish the difficulties of the intermitencia. Bibliographies.

Metropolis, 1996″ Group of Projects for the study on the Cycles of the Water in Havana Metropolis-Union Europea”. Report of the present situation of the water supply and the cleaning. City of Havana. 2. Macke and Battermann, (2001) ” Strategy to Reduce Technical Water for Losses Intermittent Water Supply Systems”. 3. SashiKumar and others, (2003) ” Modelling and Intermittent Water Supply”. 4. Vairmoorthy, 2001″ To strategy to reduces to Technical for Water losses intermittent to water supply”. 5. Lopez I slide and others (1996) ” Hydraulic engineering applied to the systems of water distribution. Polytechnical university of Valencia”. Milanese Yudel Garci’a, CategoriesGeneralTags