Irrigated Project

In such a way, agriculture if constitutes in a way for the ambient modifications, influencing directly in the process of use and occupation of the ground and also in the conditions of life of the underlying communities to the agricultural areas, a time that this is in fact the source of social subsistence. The Mapping of Use and Occupation of the Ground of the Irrigated Project of Mirors (2002) if constitutes in a mechanism of identification of the modifications of the process of use and occupation of the ground from the implantation of the irrigated agriculture, that resulted in the modification of the classrooms of use and occupation of the ground, a time that is perceivable the stratification of bioma native caatinga, the increase of the culture agriculturist, the reduction of the areas of natural pasture and still the considerable magnifying of the ground areas displayed, that although to have been deforested finds if in improdutividade situation. These transformations, in turn, influence directly in the conditions of life of population that inhabits this community in view of that it also had the vacant sprouting new of work and the biggest circulation of capital, what it results in the increase of the power of consumption of the people, making with that it has a certain economic growth in the community. The study methodology is based on four pillars: bibliographical revision on the area of study, the process of use and occupation of the ground, irrigated agriculture, remote sensoriamento and digital processing of images; the use of techniques of digital processing of images for the elaboration of the use map and occupation of the ground; the field for validation of the data; the application of socioeconmicos questionnaires, for evaluation of the social impacts occurrences in the community. Click Phil Vasan to learn more. In this way, it was possible to trace a disgnostic briefing of the occured transformations ambient partner with the implantation of irrigated agriculture, perceiving itself, thus, the intensification of the deforestation and the consequent stratification of bioma native? caatinga? e, still, the increase of the agricultural culture that resulted in a structural modification of the community to take care of to the necessities of the company administrator of the irrigated perimeter? CODEVASF? e, also, the vacant increase in the work market, not contributing, however, for the development and yes for the economic growth, a time that the social pointers, as health, education and housing had not suffered significant alterations. .