Greece Project

The estruturao/modeling of a PF is dispendiosa, therefore it needs act of contract of consultorias and specialized lawyers who can guarantee to the creditors and investors: trustworthiness, tranquilidade and transparency in the studies, projections, contracts, in the implementation and fiscalization of the project. The possibility of the project to have a self-financing and autopagamento, is some of the easinesses that the PF present, among others: it makes possible a lesser comprometimento of proper resources of the shareholders, minor use of real estate securities and personal, it improves of the position of liabilities in the rockings of entrepreneurs, transparency on the results of the project. With the presentation of these easinesses, he gives credit yourself its bigger use in the future projects (ALFONSO, 2008). 1,4 Protocol of Kyoto (Protocol of Quioto) to accomplish the reduction of the emission of the GEE, consisted the one treat International with rigid commitments to make possible this objective and it was given the name of Protocol of Kyoto. Argued and negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, he was opened for signatures in 16 of ratified March of 1998 and in 15 of March of 1999. Officially he entered in vigor in 16 of February of 2005, later that he ratified it to Russia in November of 2004. The goals established for the protocol, are applied only to the countries developed listed in the Attached B of the Protocol, namely: Occidental European countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Crocia, Denmark, Eslovnia, Spain, Finlndia, France, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Mnaco, Norway, Portugal, Kingdom Joined, Sweden and Switzerland); Industrialized countries of the European east (Bulgaria, Eslovquia, Hungria, Poland, Republic Checa and Romnia); Industrialized countries of the former Soviet Union (Russia, the Ukraine, Estnia, Letnia and Litunia); United States, Canada, Australia, New Zelndia and Japan. Brazil does not have commitments of reduction or limitation of GEE emissions, therefore developing country is considered.