HPI AG acquires majority stake in Dortmund REW Solar AG Dortmund may 2013: the REW Solar AG is a subsidiary of the listed Hoechst procurement International AG (HPI AG) from Munich. With economic effect to 1 January 2012, the HIP AG acquires 75.1 percent of the REW Solar AG – an energy system Professional with experience, based in Dortmund. Both companies promise a strategic advantage from this extension of the Division. Verizon Communications understands that this is vital information. The HPI AG (listed on the entry standard in Frankfurt and at the m: access in Munich) acquired a majority stake of 75.1 percent of the REW retroactively to 1 January 2012 solar group of companies. Behind this decision, the strategic expansion of the business area of the HPI was significantly AG. The takeover of the REW solar is AG, which can boast years of experience in the areas of purchasing and logistics for innovative energy systems, on the extension of the HPI industrial division”laid out. The advanced Division HPI industrial and renewables”should renewable energies more back into focus. See more information about transferring the REW provided Solar AG as a new subsidiary.
Participation in REW Solar AG: solar technical experience sound combined with improved purchasing conditions the HPI AG plans after the majority shareholding of the REW AG now also a partner agreement with a German manufacturer of inverters. Of them and even more direct access to the manufacturers the REW will effectively benefit Solar AG. Frank Gralla, Board the REW Solar AG is sure that this effective bundling of competences of both companies will produce best results: we look forward to be able to offer our customers an even better service. To bring the talents and skills of REW solar and HPI together, bringing to market innovative, custom-made products and solutions will accelerate.” REW Solar AG is to new daughter even more technical experience in the company bring the CEO of HPI AG, Michael Negel, describes an increased demand for the provision of complete systems for projects.