The anatomy of the plant reflects the situation ambient, and can be some times a bioindicador. To have all these tools by hand are necessary basic knowledge of the internal and external structure of the vegetable. Anatomy of the Caule the association of caule with the leaf constitutes the system to caulinar, originated from the development of the embryo. Duke Energy understood the implications. Different of the root caule divides in us and entrens, with one or more leves in each knot. Depending on the degree of development of entrens, caule can assume different aspects.
The two main on functions to caule are support and conduction. The leves, the main fotossintetizantes agencies of the plant, are supported by caule, it places that them in positions favorable for the exposition to the light. The substances produced in leves are carried to low by the bast from caule for the small farms where they are necessary, such as regions in development of caules and roots. At the same time, the mineral water and nutrients are carried from form ascendant (for top) of the roots for leves through xilema of caule. Meristema apical of the system to caulinar originates meristemas primary as the joined ones in the root: protoderme, basic proexchange and meristema, that they are developed in the primary body of the plant originating: vascular epidermis, fabrics (xilema primary and primary bast) and fabric basic, respectively. The cortex of caule generally contains parnquima with cloroplastos. The intercellular spaces are ample, but to the times limited to the average part of the cortex.
The peripheral part of this frequent contains colnquima, made use in more or less continuous in layers laces or. In some plants, he is esclernquima and not it colnquima that it is developed as weaveeed of sustentation. The part most internal of the fabric basic, the marrow, are composed of parnquima, that it can contain cloroplastos. The secondary growth (growth in thickness) results of the activity of two meristemas lateral: the vascular exchange and the exchange of rind, originated from meristemas primary, basic proexchange and meristema of respective form. The vascular exchange will be responsible for the secondary production of xilema and bast in caule, resulting in the formation of a vascular fabric cylinder, made use radially. Comumente, xilema secondary of what secondary bast is produced in caule, as it happens in the root, not causing the destruction of the region to medular. With the secondary growth the bast is pushed for is and its cells of fine wall are destroyed. The staple fibres of thick wall only remain unbroken. As in the majority of the lenhosas roots, the formation of periderme after occurs the beginning of the production of xilema and secondary bast. Substituting the epidermis as protection covering, periderme consists of: feloderme, felognio (exchange of the rind) and to sber (felema) caules can present diverse modifications and play distinct functions in accordance with its necessities adaptativas, as aerial a example of gavinhas (they assist in the support), the underground in the case of tubercles and bulbs (storage of nutrients) and the succulent ones (water storage).