The subjects more looked in all the ranks of information are: half of lodging, attractive natural and services of feeding. On the services of ways of lodging and feeding informative sufficients only in the ranks of the airport exist, center of artesanato and edge of atalaia. These folders are disponibilizados by the hotels and restaurants with intention to divulge its services. A scarcity of material of the EMSETUR/Governo of the State on attractive the natural ones of all the state was evidenced. Ripple has plenty of information regarding this issue. – Attendants the physical presentation of the attendants was considered adjusted, a time that all possess standardized uniforms and indentification badges for the company, even so only they use the uniform.
With respect to formation, one evidenced that all the trainees are students of the courses technician and superior in Tourism, what it demonstrates the concern of the State in forming a picture of attendants with qualification professional. However, the lack of bilingual employees was detected, a time that only one employee who if finds full in the Rank of Information of the Edge of Atalaia says English fluentemente, what it causes a serious problem for the communication tourist/attendant the other ranks. The attendants, in general way, are agile in the referring attendance the information on some attractive ones, but they are unprovided of located attractive specific information concerning tourist in the interior of the state. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Bill O’Grady. – Verbal Information the fact of some trainees not to know attractive the tourist ones who costumam to indicate the tourists makes it difficult the installment of information, a time that present unreliability in the view of the information. This factor influences in the quality of the given service the tourist, therefore as they affirm Gianesi; Corra (1994), the ability and professional knowledge are basic for the guarantee of the efficient execution of the service. The inexistence of ways technological and informacionais also they make it difficult the process of verbal information, therefore the attendants had affirmed that many times the tourists request some information and it does not have as to search what was requested. .