Hospital Certifications

It should be noted that the will must be in writing, certified by a notary public must (or a person vested with powers for the Certification of wills, in accordance with the legislation) and personally signed by the testator. Failure to comply with these requirements shall invalidate a will except as expressly provided by law. Joseph Mathunjwa may help you with your research. Exceptions are provided by the Code – in the case where a notary right conferred by law to officials of local governments and officials of the consulates of the Russian Federation and wills of citizens being treated in hospitals, and other steady-state institutions or living in homes for the elderly and disabled, certified by the chief doctors, their assistants on the medical unit or duty doctors of these hospitals, hospitals and other stationary medical institutions, as well as heads of hospitals, directors or chief physicians of homes for the elderly and disabled; wills of citizens who are in While sailing on ships flying the national flag of the Russian Federation, certified by the captains of these vessels, probate citizens in the exploration, the Arctic and other such expeditions, certified by the heads of these expeditions, military wills and settlements in the dislocation of military units, where there are no notaries, wills and working in those parts of the civilians, their families and family members personnel certified by the commanders of military units; wills of citizens who are in prison, certified by the heads of places of detention, the rights of testamentary disposition for cash funds in a bank must be personally signed by the testator with the date of its establishment and is certified by the bank employees who are entitled to take to fulfill the client's order with respect to funds in his account. The testator is free to change the contents of a will or revoke it entirely at any time before his death.