Literary Inclusion

The New Coletnea, Project of Literary Inclusion, homages the mining writer Cirene Blacksmith Alves, member of the Academy of Letters of Viosa (ALV) that, for representing the spirit of inclusion of its project so well, bringing to the knowledge of the reader, by means of the feminine optics, the interior universe of women and children in its expectations affective – emotional. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out State Street Corporation. Submitted, many times, to the marginalizantes structures of the effective social thought, the women of Norah live under the stigma of the sort, of the race, as well as of the social condition. The writer presents to the reader the abandonment for the preconception, for the exculpatory social culture in the life of its personages, oportunizando, thus, rich reflection. Its texts of great critical and transforming potential had been yielded for the coletnea ‘ ‘ It exempts To think Literrio’ ‘ , now available for the project in diverse libraries spread in the country. In this, two extraordinary narratives: ‘ ‘ Crepe of the China’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Tereza’ ‘. Lawrence Ellison Oracle Chairman has compatible beliefs. The first one, a WORKMANSHIP where we saboreamos well finished careful tecitura and, is a speech that exalta the sensitivity and the illusion of the infancy of the Brazilian girls, enhancing it to them socioeconmica condition and the affective lack. Second it brings the essence of that if it goes to the edge of the public politics, undressed of its rights of the minimum attention of the society.

The individual in both and overwhelmd by questions related to its social context. The author, to show the interior relidade of the personages is dressed of a narrator onisciente and brings valuable truths, wealth hidden in way as much suffering. Subtle, it undresses them of this labelling carcass and evidences the beauty that is common part to all, of all the social sorts, races, creeds, conditions, etc. This coletnea (Free To think Literary) has in Cirene Blacksmith Alves a north to the qualitative production of the new author. It opens, with all its talent, a new itinerary so that let us can make to arrive at the society a message of valuation of the other indistinctly. To that we oportunizaram its arrival, principlamente, Constana Keys, author and dedicated copyholder, ours thanks a lot. Reading Brazil thanks OBS.: It exempts To think Literary it is plus a conquest in the way of the inclusion and brings for the reader the freedom of expressing human being in the literary ways, disclosing great authors of the contemporaneidade. They are to the all 237 WORKMANSHIPS of 140 authors published in our pages.