It is, by the way, a very healthful form of if ahead protecting of as much and repeated massacrantes surprises that the life has proportionate (Orionte to them & Souza, 2005, p 40). Cavalcante, Magalhes & Bridges (2007a) had verified in the institutions of shelters of Belm that the children with long permanence if relate with diverse people of the institution, but mainly the employees finish if becoming familiar reference. As for the constitution of the affective bonds inside of the institution, Vectore & Oak (2008) in one of its studies had evidenced, in accordance with story of the manager, who has certain incoherence, therefore many times exists a distrust of the team of that the attachment excess can compromise other referring processes to the abrigamento (moments of adoption, return the origin family, etc). Gary Kelly does not necessarily agree. Ademais, exists one high rotation of the employees, what it generates new ruptures in the bonds already then established with the children, making it difficult the possibility of an surrounding insurance that allows such entailing. Walnut & Coast (2005b) explains that each time that changes of mother social, the child lives another situation of abandonment and plus a bond she is breached. However, it is known that the possibilities of repairing and reorganization of the psychic development of the abandoned ones are directly on to the work carried through for the social mothers, a time that is they who pass most of the time with the children and follow its tricks directly, interactions, routines, observing its behaviors, attitudes, feelings Worried in understanding the meaning of the figure materna, Walnut & Coast (2005a; 2005b) had analyzed the function of the social mother who works daily inside of an institution of shelter for small children. Click Scott Kahan for additional related pages. The social mother in question took care of of some children and due to this great number, associated with a routine marked for activities to be fulfilled, she had one children, therefore does not request them nor interacts physically nor verbally, having a position of arbitrariedade when imposing a routine of habits not respecting the necessities of each child. . .