Development of the Intelligence of the Adolescent Theory of Jean Piaget The present study it has for objective to explicitar the work of Jean Piaget in what it refers to the research developed for the author and to the characteristics of its theory. Piaget early had a vast experience in the area of the psychoanalysis and psicopedagogia, having since a significant formation in Biological Sciences. It dedicated to all its life to the psicanalticos studies, that much had contributed for the knowledge that if has today of infancy and the adolescent. Ann Maynard Grays opinions are not widely known. It was formed in the University of Neuchtel, Switzerland, and changed for Zurich, giving beginning to the research on the cognitivo development. The development of the intelligence of the adolescent one passes for phases of adaptation with the family, community and its requirements, tie to reach a final balance. The theory of Jean Piaget all bases the starting point of the knowledge on the assimilation and the room of the individual.
In the assimilation, for example, the child considers new existing objects as part of already, due to reference acquired in its previous experiences. On the other hand, the room modifies the concepts of the individual, therefore, I submitted them it the new conceptions. The theory of Piaget was still more enriched when the same it divides the development of intelligence in periods of training: the sensrio-engine (reflected, first motor habits and practical intelligence), daily pay-operational (appearance of the language), operatrio concrete (use of the logic and I think of it elementary) e, finally, the formal operatrio (understanding of the arguments and will ignore of contents). The thought of the adolescent was characterized by Piaget as the Metaphysical age, therefore the adolescent, when reasoning about hypotheses, discovers that she is enough to have ideas to think on the reality. Some stages had been formulated by the author to justify such affirmation: abstraction; taking of conscience and the stabilization.
Piaget elaborated a psicossocial study of the development, where the educational area was benefited. In this scope it standes out that the intellectuality of the individual is proportionally on to the set of relations established in its pertaining to school life, and one of the ways to integrate it is the group work, a time that in psychology of intelligence affirms that the mental operations are fruits of the adaptation of the environment where it lives. Destarte, the author of the theory of intelligence (or cognitiva) left us an undeniable legacy. For Psychology and the Pedagogia, while sciences, and for all those that, directly or indirectly, they search to innovate its practical educational with children, young and ADOLESCENTS.