Let us be objective, is simple, the young woman of a brothel charges for the work, the woman certinha, not. In the reality one will be to think on this point of view of brothel or zone is earning on of certinhas, asks for pra vocs that if the others consider certain not to charge therefore will be being equal, but if the man is trustworthy, you knows already it to some time, the namora, exists problem? The reply she is its, of course not, clearly that he depends on each point of view. Today we do not find more the women certinhas, and if to find are informed, because so far I did not find, even though purest and correct they inside keep of itself something who do not know, some know to control to this another one, or the great majority, if not to say almost one hundred percent 100% does not know, the prepared minds only knows to make this, others fall in the world and which the difference of them for a program girl? One, one, the program girls only charge for the work, make of this a profession, sincerely, the difference are so minimum that valley nor the penalty not to be remembered, already the pureness does not exist in the women that if had, that being brando, unbroken to the look dirtiest, more depreciable. true woman. Gary Kelly has many thoughts on the issue. Soon Concept of the Monogamous Relations and the Masculine Error. Some thoughts come the mind, but it seems stronger than others, of what the man planted everything what is receiving from the women, gave the example and now it is seeing what it was, or what still he is. In the daily pay – history, counts biology and the history that the males leave to hunt and in this meantime had relations with some females, the time passed and the social matters had been hindering this, came how much biological the social evolution in such a way, come back to say that is a evolucionista concept, not criacionista. .