Portal Project

Information events for the step in the Netherlands the german Dutch trade volume amounted according to the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce to 133 billion euros per year and is one of the largest worldwide. Also the German electrical industry in the border area can benefit from this potential. But often lack the appropriate contacts in the neighbouring country. Which can now make German companies about the portal project, inter alia in the jungle of burgers’ Bush in Arnhem. The portal project was launched by the Kamer van Koophandel Centraal of Gelderland, the industry and lower Rhine Chamber of Commerce and the Handwerkskammer Dusseldorf in life, to promote the opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the border area.

In the framework of this project, two special events held for the electrical industry: an industry gathering and a visit to companies. At the industry event on March 5 grants the technical manager of the burgers’ Zoo Arnhem a look behind the electronic backdrop”. In addition to the options, opportunities and risks of the two electric markets are discussed there and explains. The participants will be encouraged in this way actually to take that step into the neighboring country. After the official part it can begin immediately to develop contacts with potential Dutch business partners. “This exchange of the networks ‘ part of the portal project is important. When the company visits in the framework of the project, the participants will visit companies that are already successfully borders. For the electrical sector, a visit of the firm Hara in Uedem is provided on March 31.

The operation has already performed many jobs in the Netherlands and works closely with suppliers from the neighbouring country. After the presentation the cross-border networking opportunity to again”. Participation in both events is free of charge, but it is to login via the website asked. “Companies in the Euregio Rhine-Waal, the the step across the border” want to dare, can apply for addition financial assistance. Up to 70 percent of the costs for legal or tax advice, and marketing questions and preparatory activities such as translations of brochures and Web pages can be refunded.