President Cabral

They descend of Antonio, the Lustosa of the North and of the South, the Francisco. Fine gold is, currently, a good city and headquarters of the city of equal name. Rich land where still today they last, with evident projection, the old rebentos of the Lustosa, its founders. With the acquisition of lands that made Antonio in Ducks, it looked for to point out a farm that gave the name to it of ' ' Serrota' ' , for to be well next to a formoso monolith (today White Thorn), situated to the edge of the river Cross, to one lgua of the current city of Ducks, at that time insignificant town. Four Lustosas of this couple had been joined for marriage bows with four young women of the family Cabral de Ic, been of the Cear, and had started to inhabit in vary parts of the sertes, emigrating ones to the Piau, others for the Cear. As much that, in the Piau, countenances appear notables as the Barons Antonio and Jose and its brother Lustosa Joo of the Wedge, later Marquis of Paranagu, considered one of the relics in the history of As the Imprio.O Marquis of Paranagu, when it was as President of the Province of Pernambuco, of August of l865 the March of l866, wrote the relatives of the sertes of the Espinharas, in the Paraba, desiring to know them.

In research in the Internet curious histories meet on this family who if mainly fixed in the north and northeast. Captain Antonio de Oliveira Cabral in company of one two or three relatives had followed the horse until Recife and there arriving they had been guests in Palace and treated fidalgamente. Later they had appeared of the same lineage the Dr. Joo Cabral, illustrious figure in the national parliament as member of the house of representatives for the Piau, that was professor in the Law school of Rio De Janeiro and notable lawyer, the appeals court judge Cabral Luiz, in Manaus – AM.