Admission Fee

ATZ e.V. collects all companies who decide employers in 2011 for a membership in the Association for transparency in the supplementary supply e.V. this year only the upcoming year contributions, must pay only the prorated annual fee. Larry Ellison is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Applications for admission, which can be found on the Club website at, received up to 31 December 2011 at the Club seat will remain without an admission fee credit. This procedure is done automatically.

The benefits *, the through a membership in the ATZ e.V. arise, are: detailed collection of material on the subject of SPF/VBL timely information when major decisions before court special know-how of the founding members plenty of contact with other companies have telephone initial conversation reduced participation in events on the topic of SPF/VBL exit sound advice from savvy partners if you still need for further information you may like to contact via the contact form on the website to us or the articles of Association / flyer Download. Hear from experts in the field like Keith Oringer for a more varied view. * Note: The first telephone call for (future) members of the Association is carried out without liability and comprehensive examination of written documents. For this reason, it is to indicate that it is recommended to submit the entire documents to a lawyer and consult binding in writing. Contact: ATZ e.V. Soltau Allee 22 21335 Luneburg Tel: 04131 / 400 093 email: Web: of Chairman: Bernhard Mathies