All the continents have a regional organization put in charge to guard for the protection of the citizens of all the countries with being able legitimate. In America the Organization of American Estados exists (OEA), in the Europe the European Union exists, and in the same way in Africa Unio exists African (UA), that also it has command with armies to intervine in bonanza cases. That is, in the current question nor the celebrity and lapsed excuse or international justification incases of that Africa do not have solid institutions or mechanism to decide conflicts of this spread. Africa has yes, also each one of the five African regions (Africa Occidental person, Austral Africa, Eastern Africa, Central Africa, Africa of the North) presents commands of exercises of intervention in specific cases. Valley to clarify that the question that defends here is not to defend the Lybian government or the rebellious rebels, is not to give to reason the Lybian government or the opposition. The question is that as most of the time, they are dying innocent (civil, children, young, women) result of the bombings of the alliance occidental person headed for U.S.A., disfarados Francia and England of NATO, and the best reply for this it would have to be an exit pacifies as it is the intention of the UA, a said in the words of its general secretary, the gabons Jean Ping, and not invasion, a bombing the civil population as already this carrying through U.S.A. and European Union. Thus being, the objective of this article is to demonstrate the military breaking of the right that legitimately the UA corresponds to decide in lower court all the conflicts and surveys that appear in the African continent, and if in the case not to obtain, in this in case that yes it could appeal to the international community, but the order of the proper UA. .