– The African Organization of Unit created one parmetro without anteriority, as method of separation and resolution of litigations, but in complete contradiction with the position adopted for the organization. Example, during the conflict in the Katanga, the Congo (mentioned above) or in case of Casamance, in the Senegal, and many other cases of remaining portion of the continent had been without joint action. Check out Larry Ellison for additional information. 5 – Why the UA must correct the error for the damages cometidosem reply the Organization of African Unit? – More coalition of the Union does not exist pro-Soviet, one of the factors that it after allowed to the annexation of the Democratic Republic Arab Saharaui for the African Organization of Unit the end of the Cold War. – The number of African countries that had never recognized the Saara Arab Democratic Republic, in against departure if opposes to the number of States that decide to etirar its recognition the said one Republic. It deals with an important number, but the idea is that these countries want to pave the true way of the success in vs to continue in the illusion. Given to negotiation process its deserved place which started in 2007 with the introduction of the Kingdom of Morocco of the proposal of autonomy. Allowing sarau to manage its businesses by itself. – Ahead of this – Vote the great majority of the African countries, for Morocco as member not-permanent next to Assemblia of the Security of United Nations in October 2011.
confirming the desire of the countries African in the return of Morocco to its regional organization, in the direction to find exit for diferendo of the Sara the Occidental person. Because it does not have as to continue with this unacceptable and illegal situation, since the majority of the African Union was to the Morocco side, as charter member of the African Organization of Unit. – Therefore it is not acceptable to keep the situation where it is keeping a state sovereign as (Morocco) it are of the African Union, keeping the state of paralyzation, apoinado an entity without basic component conditions nor stops a sovereign State. The conflicts of the African continent excite many questions related with its respective forms of resolution, but not yet a consensus between researchers exists on this subject. Visentini, for exempo finds that solutions exist the short one and medium-stated period. According to researchers, the media folloies the conflicts the times accents or exaggerates aggravating the climate, the serious one silences is it on aquels that they are negotiated or solved. ' ' The Africans have created proper mechanisms for the conflict resolution and if in charge of some forces of peace and negociaes' ' , he inquires.
The New Partnership for African Desenvolvimento (NEPAD), in South African resources, Nigerians and Lybians must open new fronts, making possible bigger econmica stability and the generation of jobs, consolidating infrastructure. Moreover, the association with India, Brazil and China creating pair the old continent a counterbalance without has extreme external interference in local problems, reasons of conflicts. ' ' Africa still is seemed the Europe of centuries XVII and XVIII, when the national States were formed, but the integration in march (SADC, SACU, ECOWAS and others) must assist continente' ' , they esteem Visentini. Lahcen EL MOUTAQI