The Bank of the Alba, is also an institution which aims to promote economic development, infrastructure and progress in social, educational, cultural and health projects. This instrument sought to promote productive integration and substitution of imports among Latin American countries. Many of the countries that integrate it their main source of income are the agricultural export. Through these agreements strengthen the liberation of tariffs on agricultural products as well as the Elimination of non-tariff restrictions. These treaties create an advantage for the Venezuelan State, currently in the country there is a high demand unsatisfied of these agricultural products, therefore benefit from tariff preferences. Another factor that would be positive integration of Nations through the ALBA, is the incentive to the development of tourism as a generator of income, given that factor There are proposals to promote multi-destination routes to tourists from other continents, who can visit the Member countries of the ALBA through tourist packages.
This proposal will allow the Venezuelan State obtain other sources of income. Also exempts taxes on the transfer of passengers and goods in the territory of the Member States. On the other hand builds energy integration (Petroamerica, gas pipeline of the South), where Venezuela has great advantages and high participation. Countries that integrate it set out in its agreements and treaties to combat illiteracy in third countries and extend there health programmes. On the other hand consider the following threats: there are other conventions such as the common of the southern market (MERCOSUR), FTAA, Andean Community (CAN) among others, which are shaped by countries with greater production capacity of products and services of better quality, at prices more competitive, which generates them more competitive advantages in the He traded international. Lack of autonomy in adopting economic policies accepted by Latin American countries, has delayed the integration of the alba. Countries that comprise the ALBA offer products and services that lack competitiveness in markets international.