This seems to be a to be decided mystery. Which its decision? It asks why he fits to the commander of the ship to take all the decisions. Vaslante 2 is a research ship strict alone is seted with four small cannons of energy and if they had that to enter in a battle they would be complicated. Nairun is looking at for it some instants with looking at thoughtful. It comes back to look at toward some screens, its friend waits with an impatience that could be apalpada by who was there. Its commander and friend of much time it perceives the tremendous impatience of it and speaks. – I know that for you we would go in them ties the third planet to investigate, but we cannot be precipitated, remembers that we are in a zone little explored we cannot precipitating in them, it does not have other ships for close, and this smelling me a trap, you knows that it has many foreign species, that evolve technologically stealing of other species. It says and looks at its friend looking for a reaction.
Although the evident face of disillusionment of Burlack it makes a movement of consent with the head and says. – You this certainty, but can investigate the region in search of some information, Alliviated for burlack to have agreed fast, therefore to the times she had delayed quarrel to refrear the spirits of its friend, it could use of the prerogative of commander of the ship, but always she preferred to convince its subordinate with the logic, exactly because already they worked as much time together that Burlck was its better friend and insider. As Burlack he was ' ' Mr. of instrumentos' ' , therefore he adored to usufruct of the instruments, it question. – The one that you advise? It is thinking for a few seconds and speaks.