Our relations must be always guarantee of results that allow to evaluate us to so assertive we are, how we are handling our language, we are both identified with the assertiveness. Us adds. aprendizajealfa. com ve, assertive word meaning: Yes, logical, ethical, stimulating, intelligent, persuasive, convincing, sympathetic, tolerant, solidarity, productive, effective, successful, happy. Absence of: doubt, ignorance, complaint, blame, criticism, envy, fear, selfishness, aggression and lie. Nobody can be assertive without one sufficient degree of development. Only a realized person can perceive, feel, be, think, talk and act in assertive manner. Assertiveness more than a concept is a vital attitude.
Although all perceive the same world, each perceived according to experience and knowledge that you have of the same estrategiaspnl. com / indicated for his part, the importance of determining what kind of messengers are we? We convey messages encouraging, positive, quality or are our messages defeatist, negative and depressing? Each unconsciously choose what type of communication / language transmits and passing the time we turn into habit and then becomes a schedule. When converted into programming is automatic, already communication is given according to our way of being someone wrote, the way that makes us feel form assertiveness is the ability to express feelings and different opinions in a manner understandable to others, without offending or attacking people with different points of view, also pens to express Act of others, in the manner most appropriate thing, involving the assertive language congruence, authenticity, honesty, ethics, values, projects and important goals. All of this generates a power that allows us recognition, respect and it also makes us feel good. When one this fully identified with what generates the assertiveness, their scope, benefits and known to integrate it to the power of the word, giving way to a convincing language, the results are very good. It should not be neglected as he has been written, that words undergo every moment to filter our thoughts, we think, we identify Intuit and look rationally to shape our ideas precisely through the word.