The Dimension

This because, as Kosik (1976) affirms, already detached previously, the social reality socially is constructed, it does not preexist, but it is created daily by the class action, from the intentions and intentions guide that it. (P. 63). 2.4. Dimension of the participation the participation, independently of its nature, level of abrangncia and context where…

Store Equipment

The production of equipment increased attention given to characteristics such as functionality, environmental friendliness and safety. The success of the store depends on many different factors and the central role played by competent design space and commercial equipment, such as tin-plated rack. A lot depends on the shelves, which is why they must be multi-functional,…

The Project

Another ressaltadonesta aspect research, is that the average of time of marital convivncia of these couples, turned around 11 a15 years or above of the 20 years, what in accordance with the authors, could indicarque the moment in the cycle of the life familiar it could influence in the decision pelaadoo. Beyond the biological condition,…

Socioeconmicas Research

Other cities as Marab, practically keep its participation between the five greaters, more without prominence between the group and the city of Tucuru presents increasing performance and with trend the rise of the participation up to 2007 and fast fall in 2008, what also this associate to the use of its maximum capacity of production….

Public Bank

The regulation and the intervention continue necessary, in the education, the health, the culture, the technological development, the monopolistas public services, the investments in infrastructure – an intervention that not only compensates the distributive disequilibria provoked by the globalizado market, but mainly that it enables the economic agents to compete mundialmente' '. (BRESSER PEAR TREE:…

Why Fund

Securities are a popular form of investment for asset accumulation. They are also used by many private investors. In addition to a regulated market for such securities typically comes to the earnings expectations also something to thrill: All securities are traded freely, regardless of their contained values always have a bet on the future: Nowhere…


It only placed new classrooms, in the conditions of new oppression and form of fight in the place of antigas' '. The work, from now on was developed by men, women and children inside of the plants with an exhausting hours of working. Dismissed of everything, not to be of the work force, the worker…

Project Pedagogical Politician

It is observed that, in fact, the school not yet possesss its Project Pedagogical Politician, perhaps and this is the result of the diversity of opinions how much to the importance of its elaboration and application, that is, not yet exists excessively integrant a norteador axle where all the faculty and of this process can…

Basic Educational Projects

It is exposed, as example, practical the pedagogical one developed for the author in groups of 3 and 4 series of Basic Ensino, by means of lessons given in a municipal school of Estuary of the Iguau? PR and lead complementary activities in a center of Science, the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son. The…

Military Regimen

During the Military Regimen, in the seio of the Armed Forces, it had two main groups that they disputed the power politician in Brazil: ' ' castelistas' ' , that they had in White Castello its ideological leader (initially, they desired to restore the social order for after that returning the power to the civilians)…