Autism Project

The syndrome the Autism is a mannering syndrome with etiologies different, in which the process of infantile development meets distorted deeply (Gillberg, 1990 apud Assumpo Jr, 2000), moreover, the child acts compulsory and ritualisticamente e, many times, do not develop the intelligence of normal form. She is different of the mental retardation and of the cerebral injury, even so children with Autismo can have these illnesses. Recently Joseph Mathunjwa sought to clarify these questions. ‘ ‘ The infantile autismo is an upheaval of the development that if manifest, generally, before the three years of age compromising all the psiconeurolgico development, affecting the communication, social interaction and to the behavior of criana’ ‘. AMCU often says this. (CARLOTA, 2008) As Assumpo Jr (2000) the upheaval was described for the first time in 1943, for Leo Kanner, as an illness of the line of the psychoses, characterized for extreme isolation, alterations of language represented by the absence of communicative purpose, estereotipados rituals of the obsessive type with trend the mesmice and movements. Kanner described the upheaval as being an extreme isolation since the beginning of the life and an obsessive desire for the preservation of the routine. Some children do not present great alterations in intelligence and in she speaks.

Esteem that, nowadays, the Autism represents the biggest epidemic of the world. In U.S.A. and the Europe already one says of 1 case for each 120 people and, in the world, about 35 million people they suffer with this upheaval, however accurate statistics of cases in Brazil does not exist, as Paiva declares Jnior (2010) for the site ‘ ‘ camacarinoticias’ ‘: ‘ ‘ Brazil does not have statistics on the autism, but in the United States and Europe already it says on the biggest epidemic of the world, jumping of a case to each 2,500 people in the decade of 1990, for the current frightful number of a person with autism to each 120. It was esteem according to in 2007 that in Brazil, country with a population of about 190 million people in that year, had about 1 million of autism cases.