It is exposed, as example, practical the pedagogical one developed for the author in groups of 3 and 4 series of Basic Ensino, by means of lessons given in a municipal school of Estuary of the Iguau? PR and lead complementary activities in a center of Science, the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son. The implementation of the educational actions occurred by means of the following didactic sequncia: verification, the principle, of what the pupils already knew and what they would like to know more; problematizao, related with the local reality; scientific systematization of the contents, concepts; catarse, participation of the pupils, with new acquired concepts; evaluation, what the pupils had learned with the boarded content. The estimated one of this proposal is of that the education is a social challenge, therefore is from the interaction that has the learning and, thus being, this practical becomes mobilizador instrument of the pedagogical action. It is also considered that the education is for the man, in reply to its necessities, of evolved social character. When directing the look for society, sees clearly that still many people leave the school with insufficient scientific knowledge to understand the world encircles that them. Ahead of this constatao, education methodologies had searched alternative. A possible base for modifications is the activities developed by means of projects, instead of the traditional ones disciplines. That such you do not discipline are irrelevant, because all necessary project to even be correlated with the contents, not to lose the focus.