The bio-Sun-Power AG offers its equity offering on the financial portal To the development of investment activities and to finance company growth the bio-Sun-Power AG ( offers an entrepreneurial participation over profit-sharing rights with a volume of EUR 25 million The minimum period is 9 years with a basic dividend of 9.5% per anno. A final bonus of 1.5% p.a.vorgesehen is at the end of the term. The bio-Sun-Power AG has a share capital of about 350.000,-and is run by experienced, longtime successful entrepreneurs. Dr. Werner financial services AG carries out the management of the placement and accompanied the companies listed on the over-the-counter market.
The share offer is the chance to participate with a capital contribution to the reduction of global CO2 emissions and slow climate change. Information and key figures of participation offer find investors on the financial portal emissions marketplace as the leading over-the-counter participation portal on the Internet. The bio-Sun-Power AG offers a performance-oriented participation the over-the-counter market. The financial is Germany’s only financial portal focused exclusively on the upstream and over-the-counter market on the Internet. This will guarantee a direct address of the target group, the Chief financial service officer, investors and the business press without wastage.
In addition to the pure appearance of participation offer (for example, in the form of participatory rights, participatory, peaceful societies, subordinated loans or bonds), SME consultants the financial portal provide additionally professional assistance in financial communications for corporate financing via the Internet. ( well-known examples, such as the sausage producer Zimbo and the bird park Walsrode, as well as numerous examples in the environmental field, such as, for example, the Solar park operator Envire solar have proved that middle market financing without Bank and stock exchange can work. This follows the bio-Sun-Power AG successful examples and presents their participation offer financing for companies on the financial portal. More issuers follow these successful examples and present their emissions on Emissionsmarktplatz.