Snowfall against a diesel generator. In Moscow, winter came and with it, and preparing for the new year. This joyous holiday, we decided to celebrate with friends on the nature, good conditions for this were. A friend of mine got on the occasion of house near Moscow with the possibility of a winter residence. Here's to him we were going to roll the whole company until the end of the holidays. The time until the new year flew by and here we are laden with multiple supplies tumble to visit him.
The house impresses with its monumental, two-story log cabin is laid out first floor of a brick in the courtyard restaurant, but all electrical heaters. I asked him if he was afraid suddenly become cold and dark house in the midst of the celebration. What my friend smiled enigmatically and led me into the back room and then my eyes appeared a diesel generator with a liquid-cooled engine with Boar ADA wells and a tank of 80 liters. With that, I do not What disasters are not afraid, he answered me with no hidden pride. I hope that does not have to check the strength of his confidence about myself, I thought.
Unfortunately I have not deceived foreboding. At night, began the famous freezing rain, the crackle of broken trees, awakened the consciousness of involuntary fear of the raging elements. Stocks of drink melting in his eyes. Everyone was not until the festivities. Trumpeted first phone . Then lost network mobile phones, the lights went out and there was eerie silence preryvaema a roar of rain and rattle of falling trees. And suddenly, as if by magic turned on the lights working again returned to the music of the heaters tape, we do not let us down technique was relieved. Boar justified its name no force of nature could not stop him. Well just had to marvel at the foresight of our friend who was able to obezapasit your home from any surprises. This new year we will remember for a long time, particularly the clearing of land otpovalennyh trees.