However, education does not exist on-line without routine access web, and when it is pondered on the digital accessibility in the Maranho, the obstacles increase significantly, being a concern to any planning come back to this modality. For a course mediated for web, the success of the pedagogical strategies depends basically on the technological accessibility of its white public. For Sorj and Guedes (2005) the digital exclusion is identified by the local economic conditions that if converge consequentemente in the absence of investment in the expansion of the communication systems and, of the access the Internet. One remembers that the digital exclusion not if of only for the absence of physical access computers, accessories and connections, but also the resources you add that they allow an adequate use of the technology. These resources are of another order, passing for the effort of the community in understanding the real necessities of the users, the existence of excellent content in language of the group, the degree of instruction of the using population, its capacity of reading, among others. But to understand the logic of the digital exclusion in the Maranho, one becomes necessary to analyze some pointers on the presence of the nets in Brazil, visualizing and comparing references on the expansion of the Internet in each region.
If it cannot deny that the Internet is a tool that grows in Brazil, but with regional differences. As Farid (2009) when analyzing the National Research for Sample of Domiciles (PNAD) divulged by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) perceived that in 2008, 23.8% of the Brazilian domiciles they possuam microcomputer with access to the Internet, superior percentage to the refined one in the previous year (20.0%), totalizing 13,7 million domiciles. When reflecting the inaquality of access to the information from web, the Southeastern region possua 31.5% of its domiciles hardwired to the Internet in the passed year, in the Northeast region this porcentual one was of 11,6% and in the North, of 10,6%.