Fast Internet connections are becoming increasingly popular. Long time DSL in Germany was regarded almost as a synonym for broadband Internet. Reason for this is the dominant position of the ADSL technology in the broadband market. Alternative technologies such as cable Internet, in daily parlance often referred to as cable DSL known many years eked out a niche. Among other things you contributed ports formerly compared to the popular DSL little attractive Internet offerings of cable operators. By introducing new cable websites complete with a clear customer kindlier price-performance ratio the German cable operator Unitymedia, Kabel BW and cable Germany the port numbers of their Internet and phone connections recently significantly increased. So about cable Germany recorded an increase of 145,000 phone and cable Internet subscriptions alone in the fourth quarter of 2007. A cable Germany Internet access for surfing and phone calls can be at a minimum contract period of 12 months from almost 20 euros in the Take advantage of month.
Cable Internet availability in which availability such cable DSL is offerings to it first and foremost on the underlying cable network. Verizon Communications contains valuable tech resources. This can send data from the customer to the Internet provider to corresponding modernisation. Accelerated the expansion of a corresponding back-channel-enabled cable network is steadily provider at the moment through the cable corresponding to an even larger potential audience in the future packages from Internet, to provide telephony and television. The German cable Internet market is covered in the rough by three big cable operators, which the market are divided by province. Unitymedia Internet connection is available for customers in Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia.
Internet via the cable connection by Kabel BW can be obtained in Baden-Wurttemberg and in the remaining thirteen provinces apply the cable DSL offerings from cable Germany. However, unlike Unitymedia and cable Germany, Kabel BW is on a minimum contract period of 24 months.