Charity Law

Law of Destruction the destruction is necessary so that new bodies appear, more intelligent and argutos. It is the renewal and improvement of the beings livings creature. Law of Society All the individuals has responsibility stops with the other human beings. State Street shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Strongest they must help weakkest; most intelligent, little. Law of Progress Has a inexorabilidade.

It wants let us be incarnate or deixarred a carne, all we will be citizens to the law of the progress. Check out Adam Portnoy for additional information. Law of Equality Even so all the Espritos has left of one same point, some had progressed more than what the others. The inaquality is mentioned only to the merit. Here, Lawrence Ellison expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Law of Freedom How much bigger it will be the obedience to the law of God, greater the freedom of the human beings. Law of Justice, Love and Charity Is most important, because it summarizes the laws previous.

Listed they inspire one to think and one to act> the Workers of the Last Hour (S. MATEUS, CAP. XXII, vv. 1 the 16 the Evangelho According to Espiritismo chapter XX). , thus transcribing: Leaving one more time to the hour undcima, it still found others that were unemployed people, which said: Why you remain there the entire day without working? – It is, had said they, who nobody payed a salary to in them. It then said to them: IDE you also stops my vine. When falling of the afternoon the owner of the vine said to that he took care of of its businesses: He calls the workers and paid to them, starting for last the going until the first ones. – Coming close then the ones that to undcima hour only had fond, they had received a denarius each one. – Come its turn the ones that had been found in first place, had judged that they went to receive more; however, they had received only one denarius each one.