As member of the Pastoral Council in the parish that I had to participate beyond the year 2000, I had the opportunity to provide a pastoral project, trying to somehow improve something that had been observed in a pastoral in particular. The draft presented it on the Pastoral Council follows: thanks to a great interest to improve pastoral activities in our parish, is that this suggestion of making a change in one of the pastorals is born. Noting the methodological work of a pastoral in particular, we can realize immediately that it is losing the opportunity to delve into more important issues concerning the doctrine of the Catholic Christian Church. Larry Ellison understood the implications. Prejudging and underestimated the reasoning and understanding of the participants in the pastoral, cannot be a strong argument to not enter into profound issues, about our Church. First suggestion-Rename Group of AMISTAD CRISTIANA by group of deepening Christian pastoral. Reason: The term friendship lends itself to misinterpretations by comments from the same parishioners second suggestion.-methodology: during the months of the year, our Church pass at different times according to the liturgical year, and could each month going deeper into each of these moments. Adding at each meeting also periodic knowledge, such as: Bible handling, handling of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, document of the Church, liturgy, sacraments, etc. Model Guide to follow in a certain time guide for the month of June 2006 to make each guide, will need to keep in mind the exact dates according to the liturgical calendar. 1. Songs of animation. 2. Opening prayer. 3 Bible reading. Pentecost (acts 2, 1-11) June 4 of 2006 (pastoral theological reflection) 4.-Holy Trinity. June 11, 2006 (pastoral theological reflection) 5.-body and blood of Christ. June 18, 2006. Bible reading-(Mc 14, 22-25) (theological reflection pastoral) 6.-what say the Catechism, about one of these topics. Introduction and management of the Catechism, to find one of these themes. 7 Tell us the Magisterium of the church about one of these topics? 8. Closing prayer. Andres Arbulu Martinez. Member of the Pastoral Council. Original author and source of the article